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How to submit a HPO language profile for inclusion in the HPO international edition

There are currently two ways we can process a language profile:

  1. Crowdin. If you manage your translation in Crowdin, then we can automatically process it. The only thing you need to do is contact us and request to be added.
  2. Babelon. If your manage your translation by yourself, in Excel, Google Sheets or your own program, you can submit your translation in the Babelon TSV format.

How to submit your language profile in Babelon format

Important note: Please make sure you use the correct ISO 639-1 language code for your language. If no code exists in ISO 639-1, you may use ISO 639-3 instead. This is a good list to find your language code.

  1. Join the HPO translation mailing list:
  2. Watch this introductory video:
  3. Prepare your spreadsheet using the Babelon format (introduction, specification, example). You can download an example translation table with all untranslated HPO labels from here.
  4. It is important to provide the required information exactly as indicated by the example, in particular the formatting of the values and the column names. It is important to note that we only process translations of labels and definitions, not synonyms (see next element).
  5. If you want to submit your synonyms as well, please use the ROBOT template format. For an example in Czech language, see here.
  6. Make a pull request to add the TSV files prepared into this directory: If you do not have the expertise to make a pull request, please email the profile to the HPOIE contacts. Whether you make a pull request or send an email, make sure you provide the following information:
    • Name of the submitter (mandatory)
    • ORCID or names of all contributors (for attribution, optional)
    • ROR or Wikidata ID of the organisation providing the translation (for attribution, optional)
    • Short description of the translation, how it was made and how it is used (3-5 sentences, mandatory)