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HPO Mappings

Last updated: 1st July 2024

Mapping Provider Format Description
HP-MESH Monarch Initiative, initally provided by MedGen. SSSOM This mapping set is derived from MedGens MedGenIDMappings.txt file and distributed in SSSOM format. A discussion about the Mapping set can be read here
HP-UMLS Monarch Initiative, initally provided by MedGen. SSSOM This mapping set is derived from MedGens MedGenIDMappings.txt file and distributed in SSSOM format.
HP-MP (manually curated) Monarch Initiative, MGI, IMPC and others. SSSOM Mapping sets connected HP to MP terms curated manually by multiple organisations.
HP-UPHENO Monarch Initiative SSSOM This mapping set is generated as part of the uPheno pipeline and links HPO terms with species-neutral phenotype terms in uPheno.

To let us know about other HP related mapping sets, please let us know on the HPO issue tracker.